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How to Prepare for an Outage Before It Happens?

Power outages can cause a lot of problems. Especially, when your job requires you to be working at the specific time.

A power outage in Bromley, UK caused a lot of interruptions in certain businesses. Because of using poorly-sealed and dated electrical cabling that needed replacement. However, this was not the only problem encountered during the power outage.

Power outages can also cause other issues such as theft and vandalism due to the event that distract people and not paying attention to their surroundings.

The best way to prevent these issues is by installing new cabling with updated wiring insulation. Which will lead to better performance and less risk of potential problems occurring during an outage.

Power Outage in Bromley
Image credit: Flickr

What are the Types of Power Outages?

Outages happen when the power doesn’t come on, and you need an alternative source of energy available. The most common types of power outages are blackouts, brownouts, earthquakes and storms.

Firstly, a power outage is a blackout, where some areas in a city or region lose power in a way that lets electricity flow only intermittently. Severe weather or interruptions in the electric grid can cause blackouts.

Secondly, brownout, which occurs when demand for electricity exceeds supply and power must be rationed, as seen in hot weather conditions such as summer.

Thirdly, is an earthquake, with its intensity causing an interruption to the electric power grid.

Lastly, natural disasters such as hurricanes or tornadoes can cause electrical disruptions from the loss of infrastructure system and bridges to get flooded with water, resulting in loss of electrical voltage.

Types of Power Outages and How to Prepare for Them

Power outages are a part of life, but knowing the different types of power outages before they happen can help you prepare for when it happens.

  • The incompatibility between the voltage and frequency of electricity flow cause most power failures, that disrupts the electric power grid.
  • Lightning is one of the most common causes for electric power outages.
  • A brownout is an outage where there is higher demand than supply.

Power Surge In Bromley During the Coldest Days of Winter and How You Can Prepare

In the winter months, people experience a cold and icy weather. There are also some periods when the temperature gets very low – to as low as 4 degrees Celsius.

The sudden drop in air temperature and a slight increase in wind speed, cause the power surge, which lowers visibility.

Interrupted power for a period of time, during the power surge. Abrupt changes in wind speed and temperature cause the disruption in electricity. This triggers an automatic system reset on the electrical grid.

Make Sure You’re Ready for a Power Surge No Matter What Season It Is

Equipped home with a generator, you’ll be in business during power outages. However, if your family is running on stored food or water, and you aren’t prepared for a hurricane or snowstorm, you’ll need to be on the lookout for potential dangers.

When the electricity goes out, it’s always wise to know how to deal with any power surge. Power surges happen when there are system problems that create an excess of electricity in one part of the grid and not enough in another. When this happens, power surges may cause fires, substations malfunctions and overloading issues.

There are many things that you can do to prepare for potential power surges or make sure your home is ready should it happen:

– Invest in surge protectors

– Install a generator

– Stock up on food and water

– Double-check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (smoke) detector

– Install light bulbs with a longer lifespan and replace traditional bulbs with LED

– Make sure plugged appliances, computers, etc. are in all the way to avoid fires

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